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Celebrate as a community, as a family

17 Dec 2021


Brendon Fulton



The winter holidays are a time for joy and celebration, but they are also a time to reflect and take stock as another calendar year comes to a close. I have been doing a bit of all these things over the past few weeks. This will be my family's first Christmas in Shanghai as Wellingtonians, and we have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating with our pupils, parents and teachers at our various holiday shows. 


Our instrumental and vocal talents from across the College and our community of parents gave spectacular musical performances.


The dramatic range of our Upper Prep pupils with their productions of Macbeth and Aladdin: The Pantomime was nothing short of astonishing. 



Witnessing all of this talent and seeing the pure joy on our parents' and teachers' faces as our children took to the stage have reminded me just how fortunate we all are to be a part of this community. The many other ways that we have come together these past few months have been inspiring too. I think of Induction Day, for instance, when we warmly welcomed nearly 300 new pupils to the College. 


Our Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations highlighted for me just how strong a community is when it unites around long-held traditions, whether we are sharing them with others or learning about them for the first time.


UN Day and the International Food Festival were clear expressions of how much we value diversity and inclusion at Wellington. It still amazes me that our community has families from nearly 45 different countries and territories!


Then there was our annual Remembrance Day observance. This was a powerful reminder of the compassion that binds our community. It was an opportunity for us all to reflect on the fact that conflict, no matter the size, can be avoided when we appreciate and value, rather than shy away from, our differences, and celebrate our shared humanity.


I will reflect on all of these things as we move into the holidays, especially when so many of us may once again have to forego visiting our extended families back in our home countries. Although forces beyond our control are keeping many of us apart, please never forget that you are all part of the Wellington Community in Shanghai and that we are all one Family.

With that in mind, I wish all of you a joyful and restful holiday break. I look forward to seeing you all next term re-energised and ready to take on 2022. Before long, Chinese New Year will be here, giving us yet another reason to come together as a community and celebrate.    

Happy Holidays!

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