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International Kindergarten in Shanghai

Early Years Centre

Homepage Academic Early Years

If you would like to learn more about our Early Years Centre, please complete our enquiry form to book a campus tour.

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Wellington’s Early Years Centre is home to learners aged 2 through 5 and comprises three year groups: Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception. Our bespoke curriculum is linked to the expectations of the English UK EYFS curriculum. In Early Years, we are committed to having high aspirations for each child; building a learning environment rooted in secure, reciprocal and positive relationships; creating a culture of ongoing learning and reflective practice; and maintaining a collaborating and respectful partnership with our parents.


All this is guided by our Early Years Curriculum Charter that aligns our intent, implementation as well as impact outlined in the following three key questions.

best international kindergarten  in Shanghai
Why do we teach what we teach?
To prime our pupils for future success in school and beyond


We begin with the principle that each child is unique, and we respond to their individual needs and interests. By cultivating curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, confidence and resilience we make our children lifelong learners.We, therefore, encourage them to investigate and experience new things, face new challenges, explore their own ideas,make new connections and celebrate their achievements along the way. So, when they graduate from Reception, they areequipped with the cultural capital they need to succeed in our Prep School, Senior School, at university and beyond.

Shanghai International Kindergarten
How do we teach what we teach?
Independent exploration, play-based learning


With our inquiry and play-based approaches to learning, pupils engage in self-initiated exploration alongside morestructured sessions in core subjects like English, maths and science. Additionally, our teachers carefully plan indoor and outdoor learning experiences tied to topics of interest. A balancedday provides time for focused skills and conceptual development, but we also allow a wide berth for our children tofollow what sparks their curiosity. Moreover, a strong dual language (English and Chinese) and arts programmes furthersupport our pupils’ holistic development. In addition to academic content, our curriculum emphasises characteristics ofeffective learning, such as perseverance, creativity and critical thinking. Moreover, we integrate the five Wellington values of kindness, responsibility, respect, courage and integrity into our daily routines and conversations.

best international kindergarten  in Shanghai
How do we know our pupils are effective learners?
Ambitious targets, individualised targets


We chart each child’s progress with the Leuven Scale, an observational assessment tool that measures wellbeing and involvement. Their achievements are chronicled in a ‘learning journal’ that comprises work samples, photographs, parent contributions and more. These help us to set ambitious and individualised targets for each pupil. As a result, they start Prep School with a total mastery of our early learning goals.

The Latest Early Years Centre Welcome Booklet 2023-24


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