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Be well, Wellington. Mental health matters.

25 Mar 2022



Robbie Davies

Head of Safeguarding and Mental Health


In times of uncertainty, we often turn to the insights and lessons from great figures of the past, seeking some sort of guidance as to how we can keep our lives on a steady and even keel. With that in mind, it seems appropriate to introduce the thoughts of one of the great influences on modern Buddhism, Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk Thích Nhất Hạnh, who sadly passed earlier this year. In his teachings, he frequently spoke about the present and the importance of finding contentment in it, for “life can only be found in the present moment…if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life”.

Creative pupil work in the present


For all of us, the present moment presents difficulties. We are all dealing with the absence of the familiar social rituals of in-person schooling, the times with friends and the interactions with teachers. Many are also facing restrictions on their movement from their homes or their compounds, with uncertainty as to when they will end. So, it may seem difficult to find true happiness or meaning in the moment.


Therefore, rather than turning to one of the foremost spiritual thinkers of recent times, I turned to some of the wisest minds I know: year 9, 10 and 11 pupils. In wellbeing lessons this week, we asked pupils about their distance learning experiences and what they have done to maintain their own wellbeing. 


Through the joys of modern technology and Microsoft’s OneNote, I am pleased to share here some of their wise lessons for maintaining one’s wellbeing through this period:



“I have been going on morning walks around 7:00-8:00 am, or just doing some exercise!”


“I’ve been able to eat healthier and drink more water, as I am not in such a rush”


“Getting more sleep than usual”


“I listen to music and relax”


“I’ve moved my phone out of my bedroom so I can switch off”


“I spend time with my little brother and sister, playing and talking about things”


“Even though my compound is in lockdown, I make an effort to go outside at least once a day”


“On my breaks from lessons, I walk away from my computer”



What links most of their insights together is the concept of routine, something we have spoken to all our pupils about. With our familiar term time routines on hold, the pupils who have transitioned best to distance learning are those who have successfully implemented a morning or evening routine which helps them distance themselves mentally from their schoolwork. Research shows that working and relaxing in the same space is difficult for the mind, so those pupils who have built into their day something which breaks that monotony, are naturally finding the process smoother than their peers.



Over the coming period, the lesson for us all is to prioritise time in our routines for our mental, physical and social wellbeing. And most importantly, if you need support with this, please do reach out and ask for help.



There may be times when all of us, whether a member of staff, a pupil or a parent, may need some additional guidance or space to discuss how we are feeling. The Community Center Shanghai, one of the foremost services of its type in the city, are offering a number of free services during the coming weeks. These include amongst others, a free counselling session for anyone experiencing lockdown or quarantine, an online support group for parents during distance learning and online support groups for teens and younger children. Full details can also be found through their WeChat: CCS-counseling.



A Wellington Welcome


Wellington is taking rolling applications for the 2021-22 academic year and inviting future Wellingtonians to join us for tailored campus tours for 2022 entry.


Children and young adults applying for our Senior School (years 9 through 13) and Academic Scholarship programmes are encouraged to visit and experience Wellington first-hand.


For those interested, please complete a registration form by scanning below QR code.




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