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Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

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Pastoral care

Pastoral care is central to the College’s ethos. It influences every aspect of our role as educators and the developmental process of the pupils in our care. We recognise that each pupil is unique, with individual needs, potential, limitations, circumstances, feelings, opportunities and expectations. We aim to provide a transformative experience that brings our pupils the greatest likelihood of happiness and fulfilment. Guided by the Wellington values of kindness, courage, integrity, responsibility and respect, we foster personal and emotional development as well as academic ambition. Pupils are encouraged to express themselves and cultivate mindfulness as they learn from life's challenges.

For our pupils in the Early Years to year 6, pastoral support will come from their class teachers, who are in turn supported by their head of year. Pupils from year 7 onward will receive pastoral support from their heads of year and tutors. Every school day will begin with a pastoral session. During this time, one-to-one and group discussions will take place, as well as quiet self-study and reflections on wellbeing. Pupils will also use this time for year group, house and school assemblies.


Learning Support
A child’s academic experiences and baseline levels can vary greatly, and this is no different at Wellington. All pupils are capable learners, but some may need the support of additional, bespoke provision to fully access the curriculum at some point in their school lives. At Wellington, we are committed to developing each pupil’s academic potential, as well as their personal and social growth. Our Learning Support department provides support and guidance to pupils with learning difficulties at varying levels. To help pupils reach their full potential, we work closely with teachers, pupils and their parents in identifying needs, planning and implementing that support and reviewing it regularly. Additionally, in some cases we will engage external partners, should the need demand it.

Pupil wellbeing is integral to our holistic provision. Our class teachers and form tutors lead this effort, with support from heads of year and specialists from the Pupil Services department. We aim to help pupils explore what 'living well' means to them through a curriculum developed in partnership with the Institute of Positive Education. It includes elements of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, tailored to the cultural and age-specific needs of the students. The curriculum features a blend of practical and theoretical lessons, emphasising emotional health and literacy to equip pupils with the awareness, understanding and practical skills to navigate life's complexities.  

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