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Why sustainability is proving to be sustainable at Wellington

17 May 2023



Louise Gray

Head of Year 8
Global Sustainability Co-ordinator


A sustainable mindset plays an integral role in being a Wellingtonian. It links into our Wellington Values of Integrity and Responsibility and is a crucial component in becoming a global citizen, equipped with the 21st-century skills that will be coveted by future employers and communities.




The United Nations Sustainability Goals (SDGs) are at the centre of our sustainability initiatives. Links are made to these goals in the curriculum across the school, and key dates are placed into our calendar. In March, for instance, we celebrate International Women’s Day and focus on the SDGs 4 (Quality Education) and 5 (Gender Equality). This year, our Global Social Leaders raised money to sponsor a girl in rural China to attend school. This is the fourth year in a row that we have been able to offer such sponsorship. One of our year 13 pupils ran a related sustainable charity drive, collecting unused electronic devices to send to the charity and support the sponsored pupils in their schooling and university studies. The College supported this initiative, and, as a result, over 100 devices will be donated.







We celebrate Earth Month in March and April, starting with International Day of Forests along with World Water Day and Earth Hour and ending with Earth Day. This year, we have focused on SDGs 12 (Responsible Consumption), 14 (Life Below Water) and 15 (Life on Land). Throughout the College, pupils from our Sustainability, Academic and Charity Committees, the Eco Project, Global Social Leaders and Global Ambassadors have been involved in an array of environmental initiatives to raise awareness, understanding and donations for a variety of causes.



From the Early Years to year 13, pupils were involved in face painting and dress-up days to support the charities Oceania and Shanghai Roots and Shoots. Pupils from Upper Prep and Senior School listened to a talk about the Million Trees Project.  Pupils from both of these phases ran assemblies and quizzes about Earth Day and the College’s sustainability initiatives. The Prep School rose to the challenge of making artwork to illustrate the theme ‘Keep the Sea Free From Debris’, and these works will be exhibited for pupils to enjoy. Throughout the College, pupils were involved in litter collecting. This reminded them of our Wellington Value of Responsibility and prompted them to think about the importance of responsible consumption, life on land and our broader community





To round off this Earth Month, the Upper Prep pupils worked on a mural art display. Each form researched and designed a visual representation of one of the SDGs. This work will be displayed as a collective mural, which will be a lasting reminder of our commitment to global citizenship and sustainability. Sustainability will form a core theme of the Upper Prep project weeks at the end of the year as well.


On a College-wide level, sustainability practices are thriving. This year, the College pledged to ban, as much as possible, single-use plastic bottles on campus. As such, pupils were provided with reusable metal water bottles printed with their house logos. Plastic bottle water dispensers were replaced with water filter machines. The school garden opened and is increasingly being used by pupils across the College — from the youngest pupils creating bug houses to our older pupils consulting local gardeners and growing vegetables, which they can then cook and eat. Our ultimate vision is to provide vegetables and fruit to be used in the school kitchens.





Pupils and parents have previously worked with local vendors and restaurants to learn how to cook sustainable, plant-based foods. The Global Social Leaders are running a project looking into food waste and have visited other schools in Shanghai to gain further insight and ideas. Our extra-curricular sustainability provision is expanding too, with an array of pupil leadership and committee roles throughout the school and CCAs, like Eco Projects and sustainable handicrafts.

Our broader school has become more sustainable as well — recycled river water is used to keep our fields green and our heating and lighting systems have been made more eco-friendly. The student body is looking into solar energy and aquaponics too.





The number of pupils and staff involved in sustainable initiatives has grown massively year on year, and our list of plans and initiatives is ever-growing. None of this could have been possible without the buy-in and support of our whole community — pupils, parents, teachers, non-academic staff and the broader community. Sustainability at Wellington is proving to be quite sustainable!







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