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Our IGSCE Excellence Award winners are dressed for success

03 Dec 2021

This week, a handful of pupils took part in what is now becoming a growing Wellington tradition. For the past two years, we have honoured our highest-performing pupils in the IGSCE exams with the IGCSE Excellence Award. To celebrate this momentous milestone in their Senior School careers, our 10 pupils who earned the College's highest IGCSE scores in the 2021-22 academic year, received a certificate and were treated to a tailored suit or dress.

Despite the challenges that all of our pupils have been facing during the global pandemic, last year's year 11 pupils achieved impressive results on their exams. The most common grade a Wellingtonian achieved was an A* (8/9), for instance, and 81% of all grades obtained were A or A* (7/8/9). For our top achievers, the average score was an 8.6/9, placing all of them in a strong position to excel in that next major milestone, the IB Programme.

IGCSE Results in 2021

"An average score of 8.6, or higher, is not something to underestimate," says Assistant Head of Senior School, Dr Charles Debieux. "It is an incredible feat which can only be achieved with consistent dedication and commitment to their studies over the entire course. These learning traits will continue to serve them well during their bespoke IB studies."

Dr Debieux is also quick to point out the significance of the tailored clothing. This dovetails with another unique Wellington tradition. When pupils advance from year 11 to Sixth Form, they are no longer required to wear the Wellington uniform. He says, "The tailored clothing award not only acknowledges their achievement but also symbolises their continued development into mature independent learners who are preparing to step out into the world as young adults," he adds.

After several fittings, the winners' outfits finally arrived on 1 December. We were there to take some snapshots and learn how they feel about their achievements. 


"I worked pretty hard last year. For my DT coursework, for example, I would go to the workshop every day and during break times. The time and effort really paid off. Looking to this academic year, I did not think IB was going to be much harder, but it is — especially the sciences. Nevertheless, I am confident I can handle it."


"I was stuck in Malaysia for nine months during IGCSE because of COVID-19, so I spent a lot of my time learning independently, which was tough because there was no in-person support. But the teachers were very supportive, even though it was all online. They made sure I did not fall behind."


"I got good scores, but it was ultimately the result of my hard work, and I am really proud that I managed to do it. The biggest challenge was just organising my time and staying on top of things."


"IGCSE was not as difficult as I expected it to be. I quickly came to realise that if you just put in the work, you will see the outcome. I am proud of my score, but I did not achieve it because I am a genius or anything like that. I just put in the work."


"It feels great to get a high score. For anybody reading this that is starting IGCSE, my advice is to explore stuff that you are interested in. If you pursue it outside of the classroom, everything in class will come naturally, and you will be even better prepared for other stuff, like IB."

Congratulations to all IGCSE Excellence Award winners on this impressive achievement. Looking sharp!

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