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Leaver interview, Sean | Class of 2024

24 May 2024

The 2023-24 academic year is fast coming to a close. Another class of Wellingtonians will soon go out into the world to accomplish great things. Until then, some of our 2024 Leavers are reflecting on their time at Wellington and what lies on the road ahead after graduation.




Today, Sean looks back on a Wellington journey that began in 2020. Sean quickly discovered a passion for design after joining us. The teachers in our Art and Design Department helped him to channel this passion into a skill that he hopes will take him to the automotive industry. One day, you may even end up driving a car that he has designed! Along the way, Sean has experienced valuable personal growth through a breadth of experiences, like competitive team sports, participating in our IB art exhibition and even an educational adventure in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. Whatever Sean pursues, we are confident that he is equipped for success.



How long have you attended Wellington? What were your initial impressions on your first day at school?




I joined Wellington in 2020. I can't recall my first impression because I was extremely nervous about joining an entirely new community and environment. I barely spoke on the first day since I didn't know anyone. As soon as I walked into the registration room, I was shocked at the number of pupils in our year group. Additionally, because of the pandemic, I think the day passed relatively quietly and calmly.


In what ways has Wellington helped you grow or build character?



Wellington played a significant role in shaping my personality by providing me with a range of experiences and opportunities. In the Art and Design Department, I had the chance to work with various materials and techniques across different media, which helped me discover my interests and develop a distinctive identity as an individual. Additionally, the school provided me with numerous chances to showcase and refine the skills I acquired during my studies through various competitions and events.


Tell us about something you never would have been able to do or experience if you weren’t a Wellington pupil.



The year 13 Visual Arts Exhibition was one of the most unforgettable events I've experienced lately. If it weren't for attending Wellington, I would have never imagined presenting my artwork to the public in such a professional and high-quality manner. Inviting my friends and family to the exhibition and showcasing my work made it one of the most memorable events of my time at Wellington.


Where do you see yourself five years from now? 10 years from now?


Five years from now, I see myself in Germany, fully immersed in my university studies and sharpening my design skills. In 10 years, I hope to see myself working as a professional car designer for a famous carmaker, exploring different car concepts and ideas.



Share a uniquely ‘Wellington’ moment you have experienced.



The school expedition to Inner Mongolia was a unique Wellington experience. Exploring completely new cultures and environments such as endless deserts and grass fields was truly a spectacular experience. Moreover, through numerous team-building and cooperative activities, I was able to find new relationships and strengthen friendships.


What will you miss most about Wellington?



I will truly miss playing sports, especially basketball and volleyball. These activities were a great way to meet new people and form lasting friendships. Playing on the school sports teams allowed me to make many close friends who I will miss after leaving Wellington. Over the past few years, we've developed strong teamwork through countless hours of practice and competition. Together we achieved great outcomes, such as winning the ACAMIS volleyball competition. The Wellington sports community is exceptionally supportive and welcoming, and it will be difficult to find another one like it.


What advice do you have for next year’s year 13 pupils?



I would strongly recommend that they continue to be involved in extracurricular activities, regardless of their interests in arts, sports, academics or other areas. While the last year of Senior School can be challenging due to the increased workload and pressure, sticking with these activities will provide valuable benefits that students might not fully realise until after they graduate.




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