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Leaver Interview | Cheng, Class of 2024

24 May 2024

The 2023-24 academic year is fast coming to a close. Another class of Wellingtonians will soon go out into the world to accomplish great things. Until then, some of our 2024 Leavers are reflecting on their time at Wellington and what lies on the road ahead after graduation.




Having started in year 5, Cheng’s Wellington experience has encompassed nearly all of his academic career thus far. In the 9 years he has spent with us, he has learned to celebrate his successes and, more importantly, to learn from his failures. He has brought this mindset to his work in the classroom as well as on the volleyball court, and it has paid massive dividends in confidence and resilience. Today Cheng reflects on life lessons learned as a longtime Wellingtonian.



How long have you attended Wellington? What were your initial impressions on your first day at school?



I’ve been at Wellington since year 5, and on my first day, the school’s luxurious atmosphere and seeing how uniform everyone was made quite an impression. Initially, I felt a bit overwhelmed, and I couldn’t find my way around the school. Fellow pupils and staff were very supportive and welcoming which eased my transition into the school. 


In what ways has Wellington helped you grow or build character?



Wellington has nurtured my confidence and resilience. Volleyball has taught me invaluable lessons in teamwork and perseverance. This year’s volleyball season started with a few losses which made us lose our motivation to continue. However, we persevered and often had to own up to each other’s mistakes to keep on improving. Our commitments paid off with us finishing off the season with second place in the SISAC tournament and first place in the ACAMIS tournament.


Tell us about something you never would have been able to

experience if you were not a Wellington pupil.



If I hadn’t been a Wellington pupil, I would have never performed in a musical. In Year 8 I joined the production of Shrek Jr. The idea of stepping onto a stage and performing for a big audience was daunting, but thanks to the support of the Wellington community, I found the courage to embrace this opportunity. This was a memorable experience that I will always cherish.


What will you miss most about Wellington?



What I'll miss most about Wellington is spending time with my friends in the Sixth Form Centre, the exhilarating volleyball matches in the sports hall, the learning experiences, even from failed chemistry experiments, and ushering for shows, all of which made my time at Wellington truly memorable. 


What advice do you have for next year’s year 13 pupils?



Use all the resources available to you. Don’t hesitate to seek help from teachers and your peers. They’re here to support you. Make sure to plan out how you’ll manage upcoming assignments and exams. Another important piece of advice is to remember to schedule breaks, take some time off studying and hang out with your friends.


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