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'Be You. Be More.' starts from the Early Years

29 Sep 2024





At the Wellington College International Shanghai Early Years Centre each child is known; each child is celebrated; and each child has their own tailored path to learning and growth.


Under the care of our experienced teachers, each child reaches their full potential through developing a love of learning and an enquiring, creative and critical mind. We inspire our children to be the best version of themselves, to take pride in where they come from and to be the change they wish to see in the world.


At our Early Years Centre, children ages 2-5 embark on a life-changing journey to Be You. Be More.



Our Promise

The Wellington Early Years Charter sets the foundation for success. It's an invaluable way for teachers and parents to establish a shared understanding of our expectations and how we live them daily. It guides us in what we teach, how we teach and the impact we expect to have.




Five core principles

The Charter rests on five core principles:


1. Have high aspirations for each unique child


2. Build secure, reciprocal and positive relationships within our learning environment


3. Provide a culture of ongoing learning and reflective practice


4. Respect our families and working collaboratively with parents as partners and Friends of Wellington


5. Embody the Wellington values, which form the cornerstone of our unique identity



These principles help us create a warm, nurturing environment that our children look forward to every day.




Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Chinese Early Years National Curriculum. Together, they form an integrated approach that enables our pupils to develop academically, socially and emotionally. 


The curriculum is formally organised around six prime and specific areas:


1.Communication and language

2.Personal, social and emotional development



5.Understanding the world

6.Expressive arts and design



A love of reading is at the heart of our curriculum, enabled by a systematic literacy programme and Drawing Club, an open-ended programme which develops oracy and creativity. 




We facilitate mastery in mathematics — depth, language acquisition and application of skills — via daily maths engagements and carefully planned activities. Pupils also gain valuable skills through project-based learning (PBL), supported by a balance of child-led and adult-directed activities.


Project-based learning

Our EYC is one of the few kindergartens in Shanghai to employ project-based learning which follows children's curiosity about the world around them. This unique pedgogical approach engages pupils in learning through the completion of real-world projects. It teaches them inquiry, collaboration, communication, organisational skills and much more. It connects their learning both in and out of the classroom.



Dual-language learning

Our Early Years Centre features a unique Dual Language Programme that nurtures truly bilingual, biliterate and bicultural children who are well equipped to thrive in the next decade and beyond.


Key elements of the Dual Language Programme include:


1.Chinese Culture Programme

2.Reception Chinese Literacy Programme

3.English Native Speakers Chinese Intervention Curriculum

4.Chinese Joy Reader APP (Daily reading task at home linking with Early Years Centre literacy progress)

5.Making learning visible


Chinese and international teachers work closely in a co-teaching model to ensure that each child makes rapid progress in language acquisition.



Measuring impact

Our approach is inclusive, and all our pupils make excellent progress. Since our founding we have established an enviable track record for excellent academic achievements by the end of Reception, with good level development (GLD) consistently above the UK National Average. 


Individual child learning is evidenced and shared with parents via Seesaw learning journeys. We use assessment data to inform planning, but, most importantly, staff observe children closely to carefully evidence learning and plan the next steps for each child.




Be Well. Do Well.

Wellbeing and involvement is the foundation of effective and meaningful learning. In the Early Years we monitor pupil Wellbeing & Involvement using the Leuven Scales, a research based framework which consistently shows a strong correlation between high involvement/wellbeing and better cognitive, emotional and social development outcomes.




Early Years Academy

Learning at the Early Years Centre does not stop at the end of the school day. The Wellington Academy Programme provides the opportunity to learn from coaches and instructors with incredible experience and expertise. Pupils have the option to attend outstanding after-school activities in which they learn, develop and play in a way that promotes the Wellington values. 


Through our world enrichment programme we offer a holistic and excellent educational experience inspiring children to be changemakers who want to help create a better world.




Transitioning to 

the Wellington main campus

We make the transition to the Wellingtion main campus seamless by communicating closely with the year 1 team from the beginning of the new academic year. Through a series of scheduled events and regular learning walks, we work together to make sure our Early Years Centre graduates are ready to take the next steps in their learning journey.


What our parents say

Here is what one Early Years Centre parent has to say about their family's experience.



Visit us and meet 

our academic leaders!

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