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A start of year message for our Early Years families

10 Sep 2021

Welcome to the Wellington Early Years Centre, where our youngest pupils begin their journey of becoming independent, creative and confident Wellingtonians. A space where our amazing teachers will challenge them day by day, every step of the way — both academically and in all areas of their childhood development.

We celebrate both the diversity of our school community and China's rich culture and history. As such, our educational provision is based on the UK's Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the Chinese EY curriculums.

Our pupils build the foundations of their learning through play with classes that consist of daily phonics and mathematics lessons and content that is specially selected to engage their young minds, such as dinosaurs, planets and the environment around us. We start with what our pupils know and build upon it to teach them the fundamentals of oracy, numeracy, creativity, thinking, reasoning and so much more. They learn how to conduct research, create works of art and express themselves through drama. Pupils will also have the opportunity to learn about the world of careers when we invite professionals such as doctors, engineers and zookeepers as grown-up guest speakers. 

Another important part of what we do at the Early Years Centre is teaching our pupils how to become independent and confident learners. We want them to feel at home here, encouraging them to build strong relationships with their teachers and peers. We also emphasise the importance of basic life skills, such as eating independently, cleaning up after themselves and putting on their own coats. 

We believe in developing children’s wellbeing and involvement in all activities. To this end, we have recently re-designed our outdoor areas to provide challenging and stimulating spaces. They have been customised to each age group, helping them to develop both physically and emotionally.

With all that happens with the Early Years Centre, our Early Years education does not end at the campus gates. We are looking forward to commencing this new chapter of your children's lives with your support and further instilling of our Wellington Values at home. Our individualised planning and observation journals that are shared with you online will be an invaluable line of communication between you and our teachers. They are portals for sharing photos from home that can be explored in class and with others, seamlessly continuing the enrichment and learning wherever your child may be.

Moreover, the wider Wellington Community depends on parents who actively participate and contribute. We encourage all of you to get involved in any way that you can, whether it is volunteering at school events or being an active member of the Friends of Wellington, our parent-teacher organisation. 

If you are the parent of a returning pupil, we look forward to seeing you again. If you are the parent of a new pupil, we are excited to begin this journey with you.  

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