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Science Week '21 explored the intersection of science and sci-fi

13 May 2021


Dr Charles Debieux


Director of Science and Technology


This year's Science Week was a great success across the College. The energy and enthusiasm shown from staff and pupils was nothing short of inspiring, and I hope it has ignited a spark in some of our pupils to become the next generation of scientists. There were so many events and activities throughout the week. Here is just a small taste of what we got up to.


Our Early Years pupils were treated to fun and inspiring science demonstrations. In Pre-Prep, the children went on a microscopic safari and explored volcanoes in our science labs. Mr Thackray led our Lower Prep pupils on a search for planet 9, and the chemistry department did some super cool demonstrations with liquid nitrogen for them.


Meanwhile, our Upper Prep and Senior School pupils took part in a host of additional science CCAs and special lessons throughout the week. Most notably, Mr Willis, our Vice Principal and Head of Prep School, was mysteriously 'murdered'. Thankfully, we had a crack team of young detectives on the case. They applied principles of chemistry, biology and physics to their investigation of the crime scene as they took fingerprints and 'blood' samples and even conducted a 'blood' splatter analysis. Eventually, they narrowed it down to one suspect, who was swiftly brought to justice.

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Additionally, Mr Kurg showed our pupils how to make gold coins through the electroplating. Mr Case explained the principles of thrust with water rockets. Dr Bache taught the science of slime and bubbles. Mrs Donaldson built on the theme with a lesson on the science of snot. This no doubt worked up some appetites for Mr Bingham's lesson in edible chemistry. Pupils had the opportunity to learn why things burn and explode with Mr Lam. Mrs Bannister also taught how and why we classify animals.


Science Week also presented the opportunity to have some fun with technology. I took pupils on a VR adventure. Our sixth formers guided the younger pupils on a tour of the cosmos in the school's very own planetarium. The computer science department explored robotics.



Sci-fi inspired several of the week's events, too. Pupils took part in a sci-fi STEAM car competition with Mr Brooke-Smith. Upper Prep maths pupils contemplated the trouble of tribbles from Star Trek as they explored the staggering implications of exponential growth. In Senior School, we looked to the classic film Gattaca to see how science fiction may become science reality with some deep theory of knowledge questions about DNA profiling.



Even other departments got involved. We played electronic instruments like the theremin to make sci-fi movie soundtracks with our music teachers. Our pupils performed in a Tron orchestra, attaching colourful neon lights to their instruments. Our English department explored sci-fi novels and Klingon Hamlet. Our drama and dance instructors worked with our pupils to choreograph lightsaber fights. In history classes, they studied history of how we think about the future. Our PE staff organised a 'how powerful are you?' competition as well.


Then, on the final day, the whole school showed up in costume as their favourite figure from the world of science, technology, engineering or maths.


Needless to say, it has been quite a week! Until next year, May the Fourth be with you!


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