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A series of sporting successes outside of the school

22 May 2019

Nick Starbrook

Director of Sport

  As you may have noticed in recent posts, Wellington pupils have been enjoying a steadily expanding run of impressive victories, excellent team-based and individual performances and overall sporting successes over during this academic year. I am extremely proud and delighted to see how Wellingtonians from all age groups are making incredible efforts to better themselves in various sporting disciplines and are subsequently enjoying greater levels of success both here at school and beyond the campus. I’d like to highlight a couple of additional stories of individual sporting prowess that some of our pupils have recently earned. The dedication and ability demonstrated by these pupils is emblematic of the attitude that Wellingtonians are displaying towards sport in general as we go from strength to strength as a College. I look forward to sharing more news of this nature in the near future.   Bryan takes on Shanghai’s tennis titans Between 28th April and 12th May, the Shanghai Tennis Association organised its annual competition for the city’s younger professional players. This is widely known as the most important tournament in Shanghai for young professionals. Bryan participated in the U12 category and during the first week he played with his Xuhui district team against all other districts to determine the best team in the city. They managed to win the championship in grand style, thanks to Bryan and his partner winning the climactic final doubles game. During the second week of the tournament, Bryan participated in the singles, doubles and mixed doubles events. After an unfortunate loss in the quarter-final singles and a semi-final spot for the mixed doubles, Bryan and his partner Chen Yan managed to win the finals for the doubles. They can now enjoy the prestigious and well-deserved accolade of being Shanghai’s U12 doubles champions.   Jayden and Baron carve up the ice hockey league between them The 2018/2019 Shanghai ice hockey season saw some of our young players display remarkable talent for this highly technical and challenging sport. The league’s latest season, organised by the Shanghai Ice Skating Association, ended in late April 2019 after 54 teams across four different age groups played no fewer than 384 games between them. Our congratulations go out to Jayden and Baron (of 4SM and year 5A of Hiba respectively) for winning the ‘Best Player’ awards of U8 Division A and U12 Division A. This is an outstanding achievement for both pupils and we wish them the best of luck for next season. A WeChat group for parents and pupils will be set up in August and will be used to share useful ice hockey information in Shanghai and China. All interested pupils who would like to play ice hockey are welcome to join. Please email: if you would like any further information.

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