Intrepid expedition in Inner Mongolia
Staff and pupils embraced challenges far outside of previous experiences and comfort zones on this enlightening trip to Inner Mongolia. Constructing tents in the middle of the desert, having only landed a few hours before, demonstrated courage and determination in our pupils when they were faced with a new and frankly quite intimidating desert landscape! Integrity, respect and responsibility were shared while cooking together in the sand, washing up in the sand and genuinely not being able to escape the sand.
Reunited as a whole after splitting for activities, we travelled the five hours necessary to reach the grasslands where blue skies and stunning sunsets welcomed us as well as mile upon mile of natural rolling green hills which facilitated our group activities, environmental debates, cooking, building and general immersion in Inner Mongolian life.
In fact the experiences of both pupils and staff involved were so vast, covering culture, global responsibility, collaboration, tolerance and kindness, that we are undoubtedly all the better for it. It was an amazing trip full of stimulating and effective activities, while also being fun for all. As staff members accompanying your children, we were proud and impressed at their conduct and resourcefulness, and thank them for their unyielding positivity and effort.